PlaneShift - The Real Switch
By PlaneShift Team,
April 28th 2023
One comment.

Hello PlaneShifters, PlaneShift Legacy is going down at the end of this weekend after being up for more than 20 years!
The time arrived for PS Legacy to be retired, after being in service for more than 20 years with very few interruptions! 550.000+ accounts created, hundreds of thousands of characters built, hundreds of events, tournaments, weddings, merchant days, adventures and roleplay.
Thanks to all who contributed to its creation through all this time! Hundreds of people who added ideas and content from lore to 3d, from music to rules, in a journey through technology and discovery. A special thanks to Jorrit for creating Crystal Space Engine that made PS Legacy possible!
The spirit of Legacy is still very alive and now transmigrated in PSUnreal with a lot of new possibilities thanks to Unreal Engine! The journey continues as we write another chapter of history. Join us in wishing the new version long life and a happy future! Thanks to the old and new developers/contributors to make PSUnreal better and better every release. This weekend there will be a final event on Legacy.
Here are some screenshots we posted in the "The Switch" announcement few months ago. If you want to take some screenshots in game in PS Legacy, this is the last chance! .
Here is a collection of screenshots from Legacy, click on one to reveal the same location in PSUnreal and see the difference!
Legacy To Unreal 1
Legacy To Unreal 2
Legacy To Unreal 3
If you want to have an idea of how bigger is the world now compared to before, here it a comparison
All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings.
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